Books for Sale

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This pamphlet charts out a prescription for democracy with equity within the Marxist-Leninist framework. Even though, liberal democracy too talks of equity, nevertheless, by not providing for any limiting control on the accumulation of property by citizens, it severely limits the possibilities of equity and democracy. It is argued with facts, that the tenets of the Marxist-Leninist framework, as set out by Lenin, were distorted in their implementation in post-revolutionary societies and so its full potential could not be realised, eventually resulting in a restoration of capitalism under them.
Price: ₹ 300

This book is a manifesto of Anarcho-Environmentalism. The epic story telling style of the Bhil adivasis of central India who are its main protagonists has been adopted in it. The tales of their struggles as well as the analysis of these are presented through the life experiences of two of the activists associated with the people’s movements – the author and his wife Subhadra Khaperde. The tale reaches a very entertaining, well-argued and philosophically uncommon climax in the end.
Price: ₹ 350

यह पुस्तक एक प्रकार से एक अराजक पर्यावरणवादी घोषणापत्र है। मध्य भारत के भील आदिवासियों की महाकाव्य, जिसे गायना कहा जाता है, की शैली को इसमें अपनाया गया है। उनके संघर्षों की गाथाओं के साथ-साथ इनका विश्लेषण भी, जन आंदोलनों से जुड़े दो कार्यकर्ताओं – लेखक और उनकी पत्नी सुभद्रा खापरडे, के जीवन के अनुभवों के माध्यम से प्रस्तुत किया गया है। इस कथा में प्राचीन और आधुनिक, स्थानीय और वैश्विक, कई अन्य कहानियों और इतिहासों का भी मिश्रण है। कथानक विभिन्न सूक्ष्म आख्यानों के माध्यम से कुछ व्यक्तिगत, कुछ संगठनात्मक, कुछ पौराणिक और कुछ ऐतिहासिक मुद्दों से बुना गया हैं। अन्ततः यह कहानी एक बहुत ही मनोरंजक, तर्कपूर्ण और दार्शनिक समापन पर पहुँचती है।
मूल्य: ₹ 350

Water governance in the Narmada River basin was initially disputed by the riparian states over the apportionment of the use of its waters for large dam centred canal irrigation and hydro-electric power development but later the dispute shifted to the appropriateness of this kind of development given the environmental and social costs associated with it. This later problematisation of centralised water governance and people’s mobilisation for a more localised, participatory and environmentally sustainable use of water resources has inspired a rich body of thought and action which is detailed in this book.
Price: ₹ 350

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